Speak up for nature. Your voice, signature, and advocacy are catalysts for change. Act now to support some of our current and most pressing campaigns by completing the calls to action listed below.

Become a Shark Watch volunteer
OneProtest no es una organización decidida. Reconocemos que no podemos encargarnos de todo, pero hemos desarrollado un sistema que aborda todos los problemas utilizando un enfoque de cÃrculo completo que aborda todos los problemas del mundo con un hilo conductor común.
Necesita más contenido aquÃ.

Washington Spring Bear Hunt!
Following our victory in canceling this year's (2022) Spring Bear Hunt in Washington, WDFW Commissioner Don McIssac, has submitted a pre-proposal form (CL101) that is the first step in the agency's rulemaking process and could lead to another vote on spring bear hunting. The WDFW may discuss this proposal during their next meeting scheduled for June 24, 2022. We need to reiterate that we DO NOT SUPPORT the spring bear hunt. Please sign & share our petition and complete the calls to action.
Please sign and share out petition link!
North Carolina Bear Sanctuaries
Following our victory in canceling this year's (2022) Spring Bear Hunt in Washington, WDFW Commissioner Don McIssac, has submitted a pre-proposal form (CL101) that is the first step in the agency's rulemaking process and could lead to another vote on spring bear hunting. The WDFW may discuss this proposal during their next meeting scheduled for June 24, 2022. We need to reiterate that we DO NOT SUPPORT the spring bear hunt. Please sign & share our petition and complete the calls to action.
Please sign and share out petition link!
Louisiana Black Bears in the Crosshairs of Trophy Hunters
URGENT: Please sign our new petition to save Louisiana black bears!
Senate Bill (SB 86) would establish a bear hunting season in Louisiana beginning in 2023.
Click here to help us stop this Senate Bill!
Grizzly Bears Need Protection!